Filter LVG

"Lvge ngarengsekeun patani filtration anjeun"

OEM / ODM saringan
Pikeun 26 Pabrik Vacuum Gratis



"Pompa vakum ngabeledug!"

Perkembangan penting téknologi vakum parantos dibawa seueur asinan pikeun produksi industri. Nalika mikaresep genah anu dibawa ku téknologi Vakum, urang ogé kedah ngajaga ngompa vakum sareng pasang paripna dibahar. Pay attention to the parameters of the vacuum pump, and select the appropriate vacuum pump and. Otherwise, such as overloading of the vacuum pump, incompatible filter elements not only affect production, but also threaten the personal safety of workers.

Sanggeus panalungtikan sareng komunikasi sareng ménéjung bengkel, kami mendakan sababna. The company used a self-designed filter housing, but there was a dimensional deviation during the design process, resulting in the end cover of the housing directly sealing the upper end of the filter cartridge, preventing gas from being discharged and accumulating in the chamber. Nalika tekanan bén laun ningkat, ruangan akhirna teu tiasa nangtung sareng ngajalajah. Kacilakaan ieu nyababkeun pabrik pikeun samentawis ditutup, hasilna kaleungitan langkung ti 40 rébu RMB.

Longgereminds vacuum pump users that there is a specialization in their field. For precision equipment like vacuum pumps, it is important to choose a professional and quality assured manufacturer. The same goes for filters. Upami anjeun kedah ngaropea dipararana, éta kudu dirancang ku para profesional. Entong berorban gedé pikeun alit. It is suggested that provide accurate and detailed information as much as possible during the communication process of customizing related products, such as industry, production processes, equipment models, and various parameters.

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Waktu Pasang: Oktober-12-2024